Thursday, September 17, 2009

Thrift pressure

Billy here.
This mornin we got off to a late start at around 12:30. The car was on e and we had no cash on us and Abby lost her credit card. So we had to drive real slow and coast most of the way to the bank. After that, we got gas and went to the post office to drop off my Etsy package. So I didn't get to work till around 3:30 or so which is extremely late for me since I usually get there at 11:oo. I work for a nice lady in Berea weedeating, paintin, and other odd jobs around the house. Anyway, she wasn't there when I arrived and the paint for todays' project was nowhere to be found so I called in. On the way home Abby begged me to stop at a flea market (even though we don't have two pennies to rub together) and so I did. It was awesome in there! We saw sooooo many things that we didn't need but couldn't live without! The salesman was very nice and entertaining, and even offered me some work painting his house for him. So the overall experience was just great! Problem is.. He sat aside 45 dollars worth of stuff for us to come back and buy!! We ain't got no dollars!! He even fronted us this cool little whale napkin holder and told us to come back and pay for it later! And he wouldn't take no for an answer. What should we do?

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